Plugg Music — One of the greatest genre’s in music history

Plugg music, when you first hear these two words, you may think “what is plugg music?” In this short article, I will bring into perspective its distinctive sounds, and notable artists who have used those beats. Now let me begin.
Early History & Origin
Plugg music has a very familiar sound to that of well known producer Zaytoven, who produced many beats for various artists, like Gucci Mane. here is one example take a listen:
Now pay more attention to the beat’s sounds, such as the 808s, and the snares. Plugg Music is well known for use of these heavy 808s, from a car stereo, the sound is very loud. Now listening to this style, let make a comparison with a modern variation:
Very similar right? This is one of the variations of plugg music. So who made the sounds we know today? It would be Atlanta’s well known MexikoDro, and Stoopidxool, who together definitively created the new genre. Throughout 2015, to 2017, and even today, he and collaborators, have worked with various artists, to build a solid fanbase for the new genre. Although not too popular as it once was, the genre’s beats are still used, and is loved by many, with no signs of it fading away anytime soon. Its as long living as Jazz.
Plugg music, at least in today’s standards, has many different sounds. What are the common sounds? They would be the very same 808s (except for the ones producer Stoopidxool usually uses) the snares, and also instrument sounds such a Xylophone (bell sounding), pads, fast hi-hats, a medium-slightly fast tempo/bpm, crash sfx, and a rising sfx effect. Lets take another look at such use of these type of sounds:
These sounds are common to the plugg music genre. And as of this day, many producers make these wonderful type beats.
Subgenres of Plugg Music
There are few other versions of plugg music, but not many have their own name, so lets look into some last types.
This type of plugg music does not have a name, but for many, could stand on its own as being a variation of plugg music. In my opinion, it could be “alternative” for which there are many types of the beats. Or maybe even “blues” plugg music, because of its “sad-sounding” tone.
Now this is the most popular variation of plugg music. It is simply Plugg with an “R&B” twist to it. As for who created this version of plugg is not really known, but it can be said to be producer Dylvinci, who is well known to have been the primary creator of this new sound, with example’s such as D Savage’s “Ready To Die”
also Tony Shhnow’s & 10KDunkin’s “On Me” produced by DiorDaze.
Briefly going through these last few examples, it is clear on what exactly is plugg music. The sounds have much range, but is very distinctive. Now to conclude this article, I will add some last examples so you can have a comprehensive grasp of this wonderful genre of music. Enjoy them!
Ambient/Dream Plugg Music
This subgenre of plugg music would be known for more pleasant, and ambient melodies. Common sounds feature a heavy 808 or sub drum (known 808 variant by Stoopidxool) and the bpms are generally slower, but can be a little fast, which creates a soothing vibe and sound. This particular subgenre began to become more known and heard into the greater half of 2020, and 2021. As producers started to sway away from typical plugg sounds, and begun to experiment with different sounds, that would make for a “unique” type of beat.
Prime examples:
Vamp Plugg
This subgenre of plugg music was created by a producer by the name of Dani Kiyoko. It is known for heavy bass distortion 808s, a slightly fast bpm, and the melodies can vary. There are also sounds that are used by him such as air horns, or other sound effects.
VirtuaPlugg is among many other subgenres of plugg music, created by producer Chief Shango, who is also a radio DJ and owner of ScapeGoatRadio. This style of plugg music is characterized by a video-game like melodies, and soft drum 808s (not like Stoopidxool).
Dark Plugg
Looking last into this subgenre, this style of plugg is known for darker melodies, and heavier 808s. Also snares are frequently used in rhythm with the hi hats, the bpms are also known for being a little bit slower than other genres, with choppy hi-hats. As for this subgenre of plugg music, it may have originated and taken formation in 2018, from the productions of Casok, and former 2wo2imes (he has since moved onto an alternative music style not relating to the genre). Rappers Slimesito, Beezy B, and Fluhunxhkos are the common artists to the subgenre, however, there is a new generation carrying it out, such as Glokk40spaz, Nutsothugn, 30extendos and Bloxkz. Here are some notable examples of this style of plugg music subgenre:
Reference Pieces/Honorable Mentions (2015-present) and conclusion
Beat Cookups (By MexikoDro & PoloBoyShawty)
The examples I provided are among one of the greatest examples I present to this article, which in full are cookups that show the magnificent and creative processes that go into actually “making” a plugg beat.
Change in style
Since 2019, MexikoDro has been improving his sound, to where it does not sound very similar to the style he used to make from before. This change comes with the fact of many diverse type of beats of the genre, that it has been time for him to simply change up his style. Nevertheless, it is still plugg music, and even with his newer style, there are some beats produced that sound somewhat similar to MexikoDro’s productions. Here is where you can hear his change in plugg:
In some of the samples, the 808s are much more softer for a smoother sounding beat, while others have a “newer” and more heavier 808 sound. Also there are some newer percussion sounds he uses too, that in a way, is inspired from elements in Detroit’s fast paced beats, invented by Enrgy Beats.
I will end off the article here, as I believe that I have thoroughly explained what Plugg music is, the sounds it’s known for (including examples), and who are its primary composers. There are many variations of the genre today, and again, it has not fallen out of the spotlight, as many still love the sounds. Thank you for reading, and I hope I have familiarized you with this remarkable genre of Rap music.
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